THE PARISH OF WIGMORE ABBEY Website: Clergy: Reverend Dr. A Thompson. 01547 540783 Readers: Carole and Alastair Gloag 01547 540394 Culain Morris 01547 540675 Pastoral Care Miss Dee Caulton-Ball 01547 540206 P.C.C Vice Chair Mrs Serena Askew 01568 771881 Secretary Mr Andrew Page 01547 540206 Treasurer Mr Michael Dugdale 01547 530057 Diocesan Safeguarding officer 07999028076 or 07875757396. Deanery Synod rep Miss D Caulton-Ball 01547 540206 Magazine/Website Magazine Editor Mr Alastair Gloag 01547 540394 Magazine Distributors C & M Morris 01547 540675 Magazine Adverts. Mrs Pam Trewin 01568 770683 Website Editor Mr Alastair Gloag 01547 540394 A Church Near You Mr Alastair Gloag 01547 540394 Churchwardens Adforton: St. Andrew Churchwardens John Visser, 07836 389702 Lynda Hall, 01568 589936 Brampton Bryan: St. Barnabas Churchwardens Mrs Susan Harley 01547 530241 Mr Michael Dugdale 01547 530057 Burrington: St. George Church is closed. Downton: St. Giles Churchwardens Mr Andrew Page 01547 540206 Miss Dee Caulton-Ball 01547 540206 Elton: St. Mary the Virgin Churchwarden Mr James Hepworth 01568 770218 Leinthall Starkes: St. Mary Magdalene Churchwarden Mrs Veronica Price 01568 770239 Mrs Jane Smith 07543 604388 Leintwardine: St. Mary Magdalene Churchwarden Mr Robert Wells 01547 540498 Mr Paul Cooper-James 01547 540804 Ringing Master David Moore 01547 540524 Pipe Aston: St. Giles Churchwarden Mr Roy Major 01568 770588 Wigmore: St. James Churchwarden Vacant Methodist Contact Sharon O’ Connell 01584 831754